Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Baby Eliot

So Tuesday I was watching Oprah at work, yes I know I work hard, she was doing a show on miracle children. There was a story about a baby boy with Trisomy 18. I missed part of the segment because I had to get one of the kids something and only caught the end of it. When I got home after work I looked it up on The segment was a video that Eliot's father Matt had created after his son had passed. I watched the video. I cried. I cried because someones child had died. I cried for fear of having to bury my own child. I cried because Matt and Ginny never took Eliot for granted. They never questioned God.

I think sometimes life gets in the way of whats really important. And we expect things to always be what we think they should be. God has other plans.

Anyways heres the link. Make sure you have Kleenex handy.
The video is called 99 balloons here is the link

My First Blog

So Ive decided to start blogging. There are a few reasons:
1. It distracts me from the things that I should be doing like cleaning, or getting dinner ready ahead of time.
2. For most of the day it will be the only form of adult communication I get.
3. I think I have interesting things to say. (Evan probably disagrees with this.)