My child will not eat baby food. Actually anything I try to put in her mouth with a spoon she wants nothing to do with. I started trying to feed her when she was 3 months old with just basic rice cereal, she looked at me with cereal all over her face like I was insane. So I made the cereal thicker, nope thats not it. I tried putting other foods into the cereal, butternut squash, carrots, apple sauce, no no and no. I tried just the baby food with out the cereal, still no.
Here's where I get confused, she will eat chips, crackers, teething biscuts, apple slices, frozen sweet potato fries, she will suck the juice out of grapes. Basically anything she can hold and eat herself shes all for. But these things make me slightly nervous since she hasn't mastered swallowing because she won't eat from a spoon.
Any ideas?