Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Little To The Right Please

Did anyone watch the Oscars Sunday night? I usually never watch them, and I was reminded why when Sean Penn won for best actor. What is with liberal Hollywood? I find it extremely hard to believe that everyone there feels the way he does, but yet everyone there in Kodak theater applauded him when he gave his speech about the "hate banners" and the "shame in the eyes of people" who voted yes on 8. Do they applaud because of the backlash if they don't? Is right wing Hollywood that intimidated by the lefty's? Why are conservatives the ones who are made out to look like assholes? I think its very much the opposite.

Mr. Penn I voted yes on 8. And its not because I hate gays, I don't think that they should burn in hell or be exiled to an island. I do not feel shame for what I voted. Trust me I have done way worse to possibly feel shameful about. Yes on 8 isn't even in my top ten. Why cant you stick to what you're good at? And trust me it's not politics. Don't use your fame as a forum to spout off hate. Which is pretty hypocritical considering that is what you are outraged about in the first place.

I am so tired of everyone being so incredibly liberal.

1 comment:

redstarmama said...

Hear hear! My sentiments exactly.